About Me
The Twelve Apostles in Melbourne, 2023. This is still one of the most life-changing trips I have taken.
Peaking Mount Cucamonga. Worth it!
Performing a taiko piece called "Rei", by composer and teacher Isaku Kageyama.
My professional look.
Art and travel changes and enriches thought. A contemporary and immersive piece at the NGV in Melbourne, Australia.
This year I taught students how to think critically and bring their perspectives to contemporary art pieces in partnership with the MOCA in Los Angeles. An example of Ikigai.
Hello! I am Akari, like Atari the game but with a k.
As a passionate UX/UI Designer with a background in teaching and arts for five years, I have honed my skills of communication, empathy, and designing learning experiences in a fast-paced environment. I made meaningful connections with students and their families and fostered student growth in all academic areas. Witnessing my students evolve from crafting one-sentence paragraphs to expressing nuanced opinions by June has been a rewarding experience. I thrive on designing differentiated learning experiences that emphasize the uniqueness of each student. This teaching journey inspired me to explore professions aligning with empathy and tailored solutions. My search leads me to discover the dynamic and competitive field of UX Design, where constant innovation fuels my excitement.
In my teaching journey, I have always blended my work, with my interests and passions. Why? Because I believe in the concept of Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese concept where one can achieve happiness through a blend of passion (what one loves), vocation (what one is good at), mission (what the world needs), and profession (what one can be paid for). Most recently, I introduced one of my artistic interests, taiko or Japanese drumming (passion and vocation), to my classroom. My students needed an outlet for art (mission), and I was getting paid as a teacher to teach it (profession). My UX work is no different. In my portfolio, you’ll see a blend of interests and work. Nurture is an app that fused my passion for plants with my new vocation, UX.
My other interests include hiking, traveling, and learning new things. Over time, I realized how each of my hobbies enriches my professional life. Hiking reconnects me to nature, bringing me peace of mind to take on a high-demand job in the classroom. Traveling opens my mind to other ways of living, being, and perspectives that exist outside of where I reside. Learning encompasses anything from a new language (currently on day 300 of learning Spanish on Duolingo), to a new art skill. Whatever I am learning reinforces my growth mindset that I can keep improving wherever I go.
This brings this story to today. After completing a year-long course with Careerfoundry and obtaining my certificate in UX Design, I see Ikigai in UX Design. Good design can change the world, one sketch, one iteration, and one person at a time. With my values of empathy, excellence, creativity, practicality, and authenticity, I aim to bring the realest of creative solutions to your needs.